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Old 10-04-2022, 01:22 AM   #42 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
Relative humidity is often the 'reason' why air conditioning is used. It's not just the dry-bulb temperature.
And it seems to be more effective in places where air humidity is higher, while in others a swamp-cooler may have better results. That's why I was quite surprised to see swamp-coolers for sale at a truck parts store in Manaus in 2009...

Around 'local' dewpoint temperature, air is 'saturated' with water vapor. It's impossible for perspiration on your body to 'evaporate', which, otherwise could make one comfortable.
Last time I've been in Manaus was in 2009, and I didn't feel uncomfortable with the weather. My grandfather even agreed with me that it would be cool to ride with the windows rolled down in the '06 Hilux he owned at that time. Odd enough, my grandmother usually complains that Manaus is too humid, yet Florianópolis which she often says it would be a better place to live and is where my mother already lives is also very humid...
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