Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Ain't it somewhat already done by radical vegans, yet the plant-based stuff they endorse is not lab-grown?
I'm just making a prediction of how our cultural moral values will shift as technology allows for new ways to do things.
People like to think they live in a state of perfect moral enlightenment brought about merely by being genius thinkers. The reality is that if we suffered a catastrophe that wiped out all technology, we'd be hunting people, enslaving them, women would revert to more traditional roles, transgenderism wouldn't be a thing...
There wasn't some recent genetic evolution that endowed us with superior moral virtue. We develop tools that increase our productivity such that slave labor no longer makes sense. Those tools allow women to delay childrearing and participate in the workforce... eventually technology will grow high quality meat in a lab and it will cost much less than feeding corn to animals and taking them to slaughter.
Those who live in the world in which affordable lab grown and delicious meat is available will look at us like savages, not giving any thought to the fact that if they somehow lost that technology they would be looking for animals to eat.