Those of you that believe increasing energy rates are due to increasing use of renewable energy should take a look at some of the utility company profits around the country. Two of the larger companies, PG&E and FP&L, each have earned profits of a billion dollars plus this year. Those profit increases over the previous years are not due to renewable costs, they are due to the companies raising their rates. Yes, I agree rates are increasing. But they are increasing because these companies are gouging their customers.
As for energy costs increasing at ten times the rate of inflation, that's just ridiculous. The current rate of inflation is between 8 and 10% which just happens to be about the same rate increase as PG&E and the same amount of profit increase they made this year over last year. I would imagine that increases in rates in Australia are happening for the same reason as they are here. More profitability for the utilities.
Have fun.