Originally Posted by XCRN
So my header size choice is not ideal I gather. Unfortunately it is made specifically for LS swaps into Jeeps and is part of a entirely bolt in exhaust system and my previous exhaust setups had interference issues with the front drive shaft. I will say my first exhaust was 1-5/8 primaries with 2in dual into a 2.25 single, when I went to the new header back exhaust with dual 2.5in to 3in single and different but CHEAP 1-5/8 headers, that really did improve efficiency by 10% and the new 1-3/4 headers with same as the previous exhaust system just dropped me back. So instead of changing the headers, can I add a restriction further up the system, or does it not work like that?
The only thing I've seen is Yamaha's, 1992, computer-controlled, variable-restriction valve, which is located at the end of the collector.
The engine is run at every conceivable load and rpm in a test cell, and all the performance 'histories' are stored in an internal database.
Depending on the load, sensor input, and operator intent, the ECU selects the most efficient valve position known for the engine.
It seems WAY beyond the scope of a shade tree mechanic like myself.