I wasn't trying to find a better price, but when I searched for the model number and parts I found stores selling the whole thing!
I replaced the part number with the description and still mostly got stores selling the whole thing.
Five stores advertised selling Samsung range hood parts, but they are filters, blowers, chimneys, and other accessories and paraphernalia.
Costco sells an Ancona 325 CFM range hood for $200.
This is 200 CFM.
The only site that actually sold parts was Samsung Parts USA and right away I see the range hood grease filter for $207 shipped.
I don't know what DG81-02239C Control is, but it is $345 before shipping and handing.
Would I ever break even if I bought 5 and sold them for parts?
There are only 12 parts and only 3 have pictures.
"DG81-02543A Motor Complete Assembly" sounds like it might be the complete motor assembly, but it says "$191.30," "This motor complete assembly is for microwave" and "Out of stock."
Hey, is that my old friend, Impending Sense of Doom?!
Sears Parts Direct will ship it for $290, so if I cannot fix it I will try to use the warranty.
If Samsung won't replace it I will buy the cheapest one I can, cut a piece of plywood to support the middle and a 4x4 to fit between it and a bottle jack, using the bottle jack to position the range hood, then tack in 1x1s to support each edge.
Then I could simply screw in the corners and wire it.
For the record, if you replace a range hood, if at all possible remove the stove first! It is ridiculously frustrating to try to lean over it!