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Old 10-24-2022, 04:06 AM   #14 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Piotrsko View Post
You have a perfectly good chassis, but threw a rod and thrashed the motor case. Most of the aficionado I knew in Bakersfield would consider a new block cheap even at those prices because motors were hard to come by.
I'm sure some American collectors who I told about the Chevrolet engine swaps into Model As which used to be common in Brazil while they were worth nothing would rather open their wallets...

On a sidenote, AFAIK the Model A resorted to a smaller engine in some parts of Europe such as Italy, and the first flathead engine for which I remember finding info about recast blocks was the Willys Go Devil which is similar in size to that smaller engine fitted to the Model A in Italy. Well, that's another engine which is harder to find in Brazil after the Army got some of its flatfenders repowered with Chevrolet engines around the '80s...
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