Well this was interesting.
I will now start a thread on what best MPG Improvements have you done??
Other than doing a major search for a couple of special old cars, no clear winner showed up.
Seems I have the best model years of the selection of cars, SUV and Van with the costs of fuel, service and repairs.
A major fact is my being able to make most repairs myself. At lease with the American made cars…
A fact many miss is the total cost of owning a car, SUV, and van. This includes the cost of these CARS, then cost of repairs, cost of insurance, last cost of fuel per miles.
Thus the cost of a new Tesla vs. a hybrid, vs. a straight gas power cars can run thousands in the difference in the total costs over the common 12 years of common ownership life.
At this time the new Electric cars look very risky, high costs of buying, costly repairs if needed, lack of anyone that can service them, risk of fires, and the insane idea of putting everyone at the mercy of a monopoly: your local power company, who can raises the cost as they feel like it with NO other supplier …at least with gas there are choices…. Competitors.
For decades cable was alone choice, it or Over the air TV. Now we have OTA, Cable, satellite, and many systems on the internet.
Electric power is still only one company in your neighborhood. You don’t buy anything other than natural gas from the ONLY supplier, you shop for everything else..get the best deal you can find.
And with diesel and electric you cannot not do anything to improve their cost to drive, I have found I can improve a gasoline driven car’s MPG.
So onward…