I finally got my Camry running again, so it is totally time to finally fix my Accord, right?
I checked my messages and work e-mail yesterday. I didn't see anything about notes, so I...
What did I do last night?
It was a long day! I saw five clients, drove to Holbrook to make up two sessions, and drove half an hour in the other direction to recycle glass, completely forgetting that it was Veterans' Day.
I mentioned all of that somewhere.
I needed to run to a couple of stores and then I was totally going to put the Accord back together. I asked Mom if she needed anything and she told me to take her to order a stove.
Lowe's and Home Depot only had two normal electric stove.
She ordered one for about $500.
I need to find someone to cap off the gas line and run a new 220 line.
We didn't get back until 2000!
I was totally going to work on my Accord today. I seriously wanted to drive down to Mesa to meet a lady, but I took Mom to order a stove last night, I needed to fix my Accord today, and I really should fix the gate.
The windstorm the other day ripped it apart!
I just didn't know that I could spare the time!
Well, she drove to Snowflake with her sister, so we met for lunch, and then hung out in a park. I drove back and was going to start working on my car, but I just couldn't stay awake!
I laid down, but Mom and my brother were loud, the neighbor was using a grinder, and someone else was excessively loud.
My sister didn't mention she was bringing her kids.
I gave them a bunch of hugs and started looking for everything I needed to fix my car, but my niece kept asking random questions, and I thought it would be better to visit with her inside.
Unfortunately, she kept trying to fight her older brother while he was trying to play on his device and my sister was attempting to nap, so I made her cuddle with me so she wouldn't fight with her brother and disturb their mother.
They didn't leave until 2100.
So, the young lady from Mesa turns out to be close friends with my 10-day fiancée, who is still angry at me after fifteen years and a failed marriage.
She still gossips about me.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4