Phil, I was aware that the Morelli form would not fully adapt to the forebody shape of my Civic.
I was just curious about the roofline taper.
It swoops down steeply, and then corrects back to the template farter downwind.
I ask, because I have seen steep rooflines like this on other low drag cars that were not Morelli in shape.
( That's why I mentioned cars like the Tesla, the Lucid, and new Mercedes EV in some of my last questions to you )
I know that the airflow at the floor level of the car would not follow the Morelli form, as well as the sides.
I think a lot of non math types like me would love to see some "thermodynamic energy balance protocol " figures for other vehicles on this site.
For example, Darin's "Flea" with the boattail, and that Prius that is on this site " ChamPrius" with that full boattail.
- Thanks