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* '[T]he drag of the ( Cd 0.09 ) basic body ( of revolution ) is achievable. To what extent this can be approached in the development of a production vehicle is therefore more a question of the balance of the requirements of the specification, than of technical feasibility.' Hucho, page-209, 2nd-Ed, 1987.
* 'lower values ( below Cd 0.30 ) are possible. Whether or not they are feasible for any particular car is more a question of consistency with the vehicle's design concept than it is of aerodynamic capability.' Hucho & Sovran, Annual Reviews Fluid Mechanics, 1993, page 531.
* 'The greatest potential for aerodynamic improvement is at the rear.' Dr. Teddy Woll, Mercedes-Benz, 2014, ATZ Online.
* ' The main contributions to the drag force originate from the rear part of the body.' Hucho, page-61, 2nd-Ed.
* 'The wake flow generated by a blunt ended cars typically causes more than one-third of their aerodynamic drag.' Adrian Gaylard, PhD thesis, page-2.
* '[I]t is very important to design a rear body surface which brings the divided streamlines smoothly together.' Hucho, page-61, 2nd-Ed.
* ' Optimum shapes are 'streamlined bodies having a very slender rear part.' Hucho, page-61, 2nd-Ed.
* ' The perfect aerodynamic shape is a teardrop.' Dr. Teddy Woll.
* ' The design of a perfectly aerodynamic car would need to head in this ( teardrop ) direction.' Dr. Teddy Woll.
* '[T]he optimum shape in terms of drag is a half-body, which forms a complete ( streamline ) body of revolution together with its mirror image- produced through reflection from the roadway.' Hucho, page-15, 2nd-Ed.
* ' A long and tapering rear is still good for the vehicle's aerodynamics.' Dr. Teddy Woll, Mercedes-Benz Group ( the new A-Class ), 2018.
* ' Steep tapering... is limited as the resulting flow separation increases air drag.' Hucho. page-282, 2nd-Ed.
* ' flow separation should be avoided all together.' Goro Tamai, The Leading Edge, page 11.
* Recovery of the pressure... can be achieved with boat-tailing.' Hucho, page- 144, 2nd-Ed.
* ' As a result of (a) bent roof, the flow is exposed to a deceleration that further increases the static pressure at the back.... Simultaneously, the influence of the ( base ) pressure was reduced by the downsized effective vertical area at the rear end. The result is a significantly lower air resistance force...'. Mario Hirz & Severin Stadler, Graz University of Technology, Variable trailer design drastically cuts aerodynamic drag.' SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-2414, 11- February-2014.
* ' the drag reduction from an elongated tail varies almost linearly with the reduction in cross section area.' Jeff Howell et al., SAE Paper 2020-01-0673.
* ' It is remarkable, however, how little data is available on the effects of streamlined tails on non-axisymmetric bodies, whether representative of road vehicles or not.' Jeff Howell, et al.
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Last edited by aerohead; 11-21-2022 at 04:00 PM..
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