I'll watch it, eventually, but I'll note my protest against the INSANE HYPING employed in ABSOLUTELY EVERY youtube title. The greatest ideas are humbly proposed and then cannot be ignored. I think of JBP, the worst promoter in all of history. He's of my mind of saying "here's a thing, and if you might be interested in it, this is how you can find it", and that's it. The thing is, if what you're mentioning is the best, you don't need to hype it.
I've not seen any discussion on the feasibility / economics of warm superconducting.
Given a long enough timeline, the probability of anything approaches certainty, especially for things that are desirable.
'Difficult' and 'worthy' are near-synonyms. My dream is to find the problem that is so close to my skill set and capability that it's worthy of my attention, and then striving to be worthy of contending with it.