It blew or sucked hard, however you want to describe it, for ~1000 miles. It did not settle down till mid-Iowa. I did see the MPG eek up to ~15 in the lower speed limits of Ohio.
The return trip was an education. I got ~21 across much of the eastern portion as far as MO.
Kansas was a constant relentless headwind that kicked our ass down to 17.
I got ~20 from Denver over the 11000 foot pass and all the way through CO and UT. No wind there
Death valley was nice and ~22 with the low speed limit.
2007 Dodge Ram 3500 SRW 4x4 with 6MT
2003 TDI Beetle
2002 TDI Beetle
currently parked - 1996 Dodge 2500 Cummins Turbodiesel
Custom cab, auto, 3.55 gears