Originally Posted by The Toecutter
So you've solved the rear wheel clearance issues then?
No, i probably did not. But i replaced the quick release clamp by an "old fashioned" one made of steel and since then can clamp the wheel a bit stronger. I still do not know how much this will amoung.
If so, your options to experiment with additions to that tail section have opened up. Don't stop there. More slipperiness is in your grasp.
Well You still see the tail like it was in summer, except of te color. And the two skirts on the bottom, which also turned out to need improvement.
I had to solve a few mounting issues that had developed over time - that's why it is useful to proceed not too fast and to test things over a few months. I actually extended the tail by two plates in order to be able to test for the wheel clearance issue . But i need a day with a dry road in order to test, and the weather is currently a bit rainy.
On the other hand the new design of the canopy will probably give me more options to integrate a new tail in an optically nice manner. I'll just have to take new photographs of the silhouette. And i am pretty sure, I#ll find a solution. But probably not before i receive my 2nd velomobile - i ordered a Leiba Cargo with 2 seats or space for me and my bass guitar: