I return!
Apologies for being sporadic. Made a lot of progress, then forgot about the bike, and now lately I’ve been doing quite a bit.
I’m using a styrofoam and fibreglass composite structure as recommended by my good friend. Stuff weighs nothing but I can punch it bare knuckled with no issue. I think I might try this design on car mods! It’s an enjoyable process, too. Glue the foam to the bike; shape it; glass it; rinse and repeat.
The design has also changed up quite a bit too. I became the new owner of a 2007 Aprilia SR50R. I can pin that scooter all day long and get up to 90 km/h yet the worst mileage I’ll ever get is 90 MPG. Averages 115MPG. $6 for me to ride 260-300km So, my usage of a road bike on the highway is effectively outmoded.
The bike is now being designed for more generalized riding, though mostly in town/city limits. As such, I’ve made the design more considerate of maintenance/weight/aesthetic factors. I like the turnout. I’m also tossing the cool Galaga-spaceship handlebars I made. They weigh like 7lbs (yikes!).
Will crosswinds suck? Very likely! I do not have a wind tunnel and have little knowledge on yaw angles in relation to drag. But as I have my scooter, this bike will be more of a toy/workout device than a necessity. Like a Porsche, except it’s worth maybe $200.
Enough yak, here’s some pics!