Typical aero head answer, at least 30 years out of date.
We should at least give him credit for trying.
Originally Posted by aerohead
We can't fool ( non-binary pronoun ) nature!
I promised to drive upriver and stack firewood, so maybe someone can follow these links?
https://www.educate-yourself.org › cn › oilfieldsrefilling10apr05.shtml
Oil Fields Are Refilling...Naturally - Sometimes Rapidly By Robert Cooke
In the past, it was not suspected that oil fields can refill because it was assumed the oil formed in place, or nearby, rather than far below. According to marine geologist Harry Roberts, at Louisiana State University, "petroleum geologists don't accept it as a general phenomenon because it doesn't happen in most reservoirs.
https://rense.com › general63 › refil.htm
Oil Fields Are Refilling...Naturally - Sometimes Rapidly There Are More ...
Oil Fields Are Refilling...Naturally - Sometimes Rapidly There Are More Oil Seeps Than All The Tankers On Earth Oil Fields Are Refilling... Naturally - Sometimes Rapidly Deep underwater, and deeper underground, scientists see surprising hints that gas and oil deposits can be replenished, filling up again, sometimes rapidly.
https://www.heraldnet.com › news › some-petroleum-fields-see-rapid-replenishment
Some petroleum fields see rapid replenishment | HeraldNet.com
Although it sounds too good to be true, increasing evidence from the Gulf of Mexico suggests that some old oil fields are being refilled by petroleum surging up from deep below, scientists...
I see that one of them is rense.com. That's
a real blast from the past!