Originally Posted by freebeard
First strike = first mistake. Nobody got time for that.
Not if it's the only strike. There was a window of opportunity. Better angels and all that, and I'm not regretting how it played out, even if I pay for it.
Bomb shelter sounds like a bad way to end. How's about sculpt a shallow cone-shaped pit and pour a cellular concrete double wall foundation (described by U of O architect Richard Britz [citation needed]). Buried under the center -- 55-gallon drums with compressed air and a detonator. Top it with a dome.
I'll try to sneak back there one of these days and document what I find. Might be a while though. Still an interesting find out in nowhere forest land. Only hint is the small rusty metal vents poking out of the ground. I still don't really know how the person that revealed it to me found it.
My boyhood fantasy invloved underground tunnels with bad air conditioning and uniforms like the Moon girls on Space 1999.
I won't get into the states of dress my fantasies involved. Once overcoming current crisis, the next order of business is creating the new generation that will overcome the next crisis.