.. getting off my soap box now ..
Hey! A vacant soap box!
As more Wind and Solar come online, it turns out that the grid control has figured out how to make it work. I expect that a *LOT* of time and effort was required to make more than 5% solar and wind work for the grid .. but it got done.
Software defined power.
https://www.datacenterknowledge.com archives 2013 05 30 software-defined-power-the-path-to-ultimate-reliability
Software-Defined Power: The Path to Ultimate Reliability
Software-Defined Power, like the broader Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC), is about creating a layer of abstraction that makes it easier to continuously match resources with changing needs. For SDDC, the resources are the servers, storage and networking equipment, and the need is application service levels.
https://spectrum.ieee.org the-softwaredefined-power-grid-is-here
The Software-Defined Power Grid Is Here - IEEE Spectrum
The power systems that most people are connected to were designed more than a century ago. They rely on large, centralized generation plants to deliver electricity through transmission and distribution networks that feed into cities, towns, homes, schools, factories, stores, office buildings, and more.
Tesla's utility level brokering of PowerWall capacity is an example.
What needs doing is to push the problem to the edges -- i. e., individual homes.
Homes that use wind for ventilation and solar for space and water heating, without electricity. But with an intelligent microgrid that can take the big grid or leave it. Order of magnitude more efficient. Mass produced at scale. Every house needs replacement ASAP.
Next soap-boxer?