I used 'rotating storage' because Winchester is technically specific.
Introduced in 1973 as the model 3340, the drive had one permanent and one removable spindle, each holding 30MB. The "30-30" storage capacities led to the Winchester nickname after the Winchester 30-30 rifle. The term later referred to all fixed hard disks because the heads and platters are always encased in the same, sealed unit
The Winchester Disk
IBM's Winchester disk was a removable cartridge, but the heads and platters were built in a sealed unit and were not separable.
Originally Posted by DDG
https://wisdomanswer.com › what-is-the-btu-rating-for-a-us-gallon-of-oil
What is the BTU rating for a US gallon of oil? - WisdomAnswer
1 gallon of finished motor gasoline (containing about 10% fuel ethanol by volume) = 120,286 Btu 1 gallon of diesel fuel or heating oil (with sulfur content less than 15 parts per million) = 137,381 Btu 1 gallon of heating oil (with sulfur content at 15 to 500 parts per million) = 138,500
The Heaters and Burners playlist tells how to make a rocket stove from empty tin cans.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
Last edited by freebeard; 12-23-2022 at 08:19 PM..