Thread: Wind turbines
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Old 12-27-2022, 12:22 PM   #209 (permalink)
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' Hydraulic Fracturing '

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
In 1990 they weren't fracing every well.
In 90 if you drilled a dry hole, oh well pack all the stuff up and go home, call the well service to plug the hole.
Now in west Texas they drill a dry hole they stimulate it.
We need oil more than we need wind power as oil powers about 1/3 of US energy needs.
If the so called, self-proclaimed "environments" who are nothing but frauds and liars didn't take money from the coal lobby to promote nuclear energy as dangerous then sell coal as the "safer alternative" we would need wind power because 60 to 70% of our electricity could be coming from nuclear.
I know, from the source, that 'fracing' was a tool available to all petroleum engineers in 1973.
After the borehole was drilled, engineers had about two-dozen types of well logs, plus all the seismic data, from which to determine whether or not to 'complete' the well, or write it off.
In 1990, a 'frac' job averaged $ 200,000 per well, for a 5,790-foot well ( the average depth ).
It would be a terrific responsibility to be the one making the call.
We actually only need about 28.5% of 'oil', considering that internal combustion, from wellhead, to the tire's traction interface is only 25% efficient.
This is something the Post Carbon Institute, Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere ( MAHB ),, etc., don't appear to
There WAS a time when we didn't have options about internal combustion.
Today, I don't have to settle for 32-mpg, when I can get the 'same' car, with 112-mpg. Over the service life of the vehicle, at present, they're the same price.
It's game-changer.
I looked into the 'cubic-mile of oil' / year argument.
In and electrified world, if we got 820.9-barrels / day, from each of the world's 25,000 oil fields, it would handle all our needs.
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Last edited by aerohead; 12-27-2022 at 12:30 PM.. Reason: add info
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