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Old 12-27-2022, 02:02 PM   #31 (permalink)
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'air renewal'

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
As construction methods in my country often differ a lot compared to what is done in the USA, Tyvek and similar materials are more often placed below the roof tiles, and it's still not much common. But anyway, besides preventing the moisture from being trapped inside, another matter of concern for me would be the air renewal, exhausting COČ too.
In the USA, all industrial / institutional / commercial buildings are designed to to provide around 10% outside 'makeup' air for all forced-air systems.
Rooftop units have an outside-air damper, which can be adjusted during air-balancing, which helps guard against 'sick building syndrome.'
For residential applications, MITSUBISHI offers a fine, air-to-air heat-exchanger, which thermally marries incoming outdoor fresh air, with out-going exhaust air, which works year round, to guarantee air-exchanges.
Electrostatic precipitators and HEPA filters are typically installed inline to provide top quality airflow.
If one lives in a region known for haboob, or dirt storms, like Phoenix, Arizona, or Lubbock, Texas, the outside inlet can be closed off, and the entire house brought to a higher static pressure than the wind force, to prevent unwanted infiltration of the particulates.

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