Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary
If only you could take everyone's car away for a month and then tell then that if they want to have a car again it has to be governed to go no faster than 60mph and see what they'd say then.
Yes. You are right. People are accustomed to fast driving (~70 mph plus) and the peer pressure on the roads makes it seem normal. But its wasteful. More than a few communities (Bristol England, Montgomery County MD, others) are endorsing a 20 is plenty campaign for congested suburban / urban areas..."The 20 is Plenty campaign is a part of MCDOT’s Vision Zero efforts to make the County safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. The campaign sets the speed limit to 20 mph in designated areas as lower speeds lead to less-severe crashes. "
Hard to change behaviours and expectations though. Like smoking.