Originally Posted by freebeard
Their Plan B was to make a conventional car and give is a similar name.
Breer's stinger
One reporting told of a rumor that General Motors had a streamlined car in the pipeline, and Chrysler gave themselves an immovable deadline to get the Airflow into production ahead of GM's offering.
The early production quality was low, and Chrysler suffered a hit to it's reputation which tugged on the Airflow's image.
There was criticism of the styling, and it was de-fanged as fast as Chrysler could do it, running for an unremarkable look.
GM did have a fastback design in the wings at the time of Pearl Harbor. It would be around 1948 before it came in to production as the 'Sedanette.'
If you watch the original, 1951 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' you'll see some of the Sedanettes on the streets of Washington D.C..