a lot of varibles but......
I would like input on the time you could run a v6 dodge engine on battery alone. Ive been thru a few alternators and donot want to buy another. I keep the battery (new this year) topped off in the garage.
I also have 80 w solar on the roof the was used to supply an aux battery. the aux battery was connected to a cigg plug n used for charging laptop, shaver, etc. I was wontering if i could connect it via two male cigg plugs via a always hot female cigg plug with, gosh, some small wire prob 16/18 gage.
If that arrangment is feasible would i need to disconnect it during start?
No running lights and working on a disconnect on brake lites..
Also have a scangage II to moniter water temp and batt voltage and will prob disconnect the radiator fan ( especially now for winter n east TN)
Again i know theres alot of varibles but just starting to compile figures to determine the range. thanks n advance. porgie