years ago i was a helicopter pilot/mechanic and flew offshore on the oil rigs in LA.
I rebuilt this old 1946 Aeronca chief and use to fly back and forth between Home la and southern IL i had a 7 day on 7 day off schedule. One trip from IL to LA, i guess it was a dry front i passed got a bit bumpy but then i noticed my airspeed was 125 mph ( usually cruised at 85 mph) so i quickly pulled the throttle back to idle and kept in that updraft. I had to slightly alter my course but could maintain over 100mph at idle. There were no mountains it was a cold front and i just caught it at the right time. I had wished i had more time to ride it out but after a half hour i had to turn back to my origional course. Having glider experience kinda helped me keep in that wave.