Originally Posted by freebeard
Sure was convenient for the Three Letter Agencies. All the petty crime it enabled was just an oopsie-doodle.
"640K should be enough for anyone"
I'm not familiar with the registry "crime".
"640k" is a wrong prediction, not a heinous proclamation.
In high school a kid told me he was building a home network, and I laughed an asked if he's too lazy to transfer data with floppy (3.5") disks, or even better yet, invest in a Zip Drive. Nobody would have a home network in the future, I predicted.
Internet on cell phones, that will never take off considering the cost and subpar performance compared to home internet.
SSDs are vastly superior! I proclaim that 51% of storage will be SSDs in 2 years, said me in 2008. I was only off by a little more than a decade. People are still buying a lot of spinning storage.
Most everything is obvious in hindsight. DLLs and the registry might make sense when computing is expensive, but not make sense when storage is dirt cheap. We make engineering decisions that make sense in the moment, and then paint into a corner. That's not a crime.