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Old 01-26-2023, 11:03 AM   #138 (permalink)
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'both sides'

Originally Posted by sregord View Post
Hey there, I've been away...
First distracted with work(I'm retired as of January 1, 2023).
and then this Atmospheric River hit us in Reno/Virginia City pretty hard. New Year's storm snow was so heavy we had 2 big pine trees pull the roots out of the ground, then no power for 4+ days. I'm in Palm Springs for a while now...Moby is back home, partly under snow.

But I have been thinking about all this....adding a 62" boattail will be quite the storage box following us. Moving HVAC to the basement, wheel skirts, and clean up the underbody is all doable.

The weight(road load) of vehicle has been mentioned. Has anyone tried adding an adjustable(angle of attack) "wing" to both sides of a flat sided thing like Moby? the mirrors would be the limit (10") as far as how extended they could be. but a curved top- flat bottomed NACA 4 digit airfoil, 2' long?, and end platted...preferable near over the rear wheel axle. or is this too weird/dangerous an experiment to try?
Can you clarify what you mean by 'both sides'?
If the premise is to use 'lift' to reduce rolling -resistance, by reducing the load on the rear axle, I suspect that the aerodynamic interference drag created by the wing's induced drag, added frontal area, and aero drag, would undo any dubious R-R reduction, for a net drag increase.
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