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Old 02-02-2023, 10:34 PM   #25 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Disallowed. Car moved owners several times and is now sitting in a field, lol.

The trends of popularity remind me of my own mind. So many ideas, so many possibilities, but what *should* you do? That’s what I’m always asking. I have a CBR 600 in my shop, I always wondered what would happen if that was stuck in a beetle. Seen a CB1000RR engine in there and that looked awesome. A sequential shifter off a motorcycle would be crazy. My skills aren’t there though.

So far I’ve worked on and swapped D series engines from old Hondas. They take an insane amount of abuse, great gas mileage, and I’ve had one run with a baseball-sized hole in the block and no oil whatsoever. Usually around 90-100 HP/Torque so they’re not the most powerful. I’ve seen a D16Y8 swapped into an old Austin Mini, and that thing was awesome! You can tell I’m Honda-biased.

Much to do first though. Gonna fix up a lot of civics this year and really get a good skillset going, then I’ll pick up that beetle.

Wood gas power! I’ve seen that before. I’ve been looking at the thermodynamics of burning wood, very neat. When I was 13 or so I had my dad help me built a small forge out of an old water tank. Used a blow dryer in the rear to blast air through a perforated tube. Used an old water bladder tank as the hull, and it worked! Was able to get a good red heat using just scraps of spruce. Powering a car off of it would be a challenge. Less of automotive related, but have a look at “Rocket Heaters” online. I’m wanting to build one someday.
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