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Old 02-03-2023, 11:30 AM   #45 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
Is it any bad at all? A properly trained driver who knows how to operate the truck will make it last longer and even improve fuel economy sometimes. BTW in contrast to an American driver who may be too lazy to engine-braking, a Brazilian would make better use of it and of adaptative cruise control, which may not only require fewer input on the pedals but also lead to overall more efficient driving. Being able to not use the brakes so often gives a clue about the driver's ability/efficiency.
Friction brakes vs compression braking isn't much of a concern today for on-highway trucks as the vast majority of them have computer controlled manual transmissions. The computer will match RPM to speed and automatically downshift as needed. They will also shift in anticipation of conditions around the bend as the truck has a map of the road and knows the grades before the driver.

It is the vocational side of things that we still see drum brakes - and manual transmissions.
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