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Old 02-06-2023, 10:30 PM   #103 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Show Low, AZ
Posts: 12,284

Chorizo - '00 Honda Civic HX, baby! :D
90 day: 35.35 mpg (US)

Mid-Life Crisis Fighter - '99 Honda Accord LX
90 day: 34.2 mpg (US)

Gramps - '04 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 35.39 mpg (US)

Don't hit me bro - '05 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 30.49 mpg (US)
Thanks: 7,281
Thanked 2,238 Times in 1,728 Posts
Oh no, once I get the 2002 Civic working I am going to sell it, too, before something breaks!

Then I will finally get around to replacing the missing screws for my 2000 Civic's heater assembly, Heli-coiling bolt holes in the firewall, replacing the heater core (again), reinstalling my dash, and whatever else that car needs!

I had 50 MPG tanks, but a long, long time ago.

Since I had three old, large, and white vehicles hit my Camry within several months I am reluctant to drive something as small as a Civic again.

They didn't see the Camry?!

Fifty MPG tanks, though...

The other thing is that I may be sentimental about the lean burn. That car gets awesome fuel economy and I cannot imagine finding someone who cars about that!

Maybe someone here, but how many thousands of miles would I need to drive (and fly back) to sell my car for the blue book value?

So, I wrote all of this yesterday, but I am visiting my girlfriend, and trying to take care of a million things.

I slept in for the first time in days, called my old dentist, and left another voice mail. The VA notified me that someone responded to my e-mail, but the response wouldn't load, so I spent 20 minutes on the phone.

I finally loaded the e-mail.

It said that someone would get a hold of me.

The soonest available appointment was April tenth.

Surely this time they won't cancel at the last minute!

I tried looking into my airbag recall and saw something about a $50-150 gift card, but that may have ended in August, and Honda's site said that my Accord had recalls for the ignition interlock and the ignition safety switch, so they may not be eligible?

When I tried to schedule an appointment another site said there weren't any recalls for my car, so I called the nearest dealership, and set an appointment for 11:30.

Dealers are real pirates, but that phone call lasted 30 seconds.

I didn't think that I would be able to get to my old dentist's new location before they closed for lunch so I called 8 transmission shops down here. Six estimated around $2,700 with one saying that Honda transmissions have a bad habit of wearing down the inside of the transmission case, so they need to send it out to be repaired physically.

AAMCO said four or five thousand dollars.

One guy said “We don’t do ‘em.”

What is the correct response to that?

My old dentist was supposed to be coming back from lunch, so I pulled up the address from their e-mail with the subject of "Our new location!" and when I was almost there I realized it was their old place.

I found their new address, but Google Maps refused to give me directions. I found it and had a weird experience, but scheduled an appointment for tomorrow at noon.

I had figured I needed to buy another book and would read while I waited, but much better! I will go to the dentist!

Then my sister was upset that I was apparently cheating on her best friend's brother with a lady I used to see.

I needed to explain repeatedly that I went to a dentist in Show Low, but he didn't have the right screwdriver, so I am trying to get my old dentist to tighten the implant she installed for me.

I never mentioned the crowns in a bag in a box in my car.

However, as I mentioned, if she can recement them then I will ask the brother for a cleaning.

As one of the Donut Boys said, "It's not the labor itself that takes a lot of work, but rather the life that happens in between."
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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