Hello everyone, I'm new at this forum. I have a 1998 Suzuki Swift with a 1.3 litter engine and manual. I recently installed an Audiovox Cruise Control CCS-100 and also a Scangauge II. I was thinking, maybe we can fool the cruise control, instead of connecting the Speed Input wire of the CC to the ECM or VSS, we can connect it to a MAP sensor. I know, everyone is going to tell me the MAP generates a 0-5 volts analog signal, but I found that Ford's MAP Sensor generate a pulsating signal depending on the vacuum on the intake manifold. So if we add a Ford MAP sensor to any vacuum line, we take a reference voltage of 5 volts, lets say from TPS or Original MAP sensor, and the output terminal we connect it to the speed input wire of the CC, maybe we can set and lock it by load instead of speed, and this should maintain MPG constant, if the hill is not to long.
Any ideas, please let me know, I've been working the math on the pulse per miles vs. the pulse per vacuum and I think it is possible. If any one is interested, I made calculations and tables in Excel.