Originally Posted by freebeard
A picture I've always wanted to find was in an ad in Hot VWs in the 70s or 80s. VW Beetles racing in the rain with rooster-tails of water off the top of the windshields.
Things heavier than air don't act like air.
This is a still from a video I uploaded. My camera frame rate must be different than my vision, because I can clearly see the upward spiral of the rain spray behind the cab on semis, but my camera doesn't show it.
BTW, I found out that youtube automatically makes these videos " Youtube Shorts ", so I'm not sure if you all can watch the video in slow motion and zoom in.
Anyway, here is a still frame from the few seconds of video I posted. I definately shows how that indeed rain spray is not a good indicator of drag. Just look at how some small cars kick up more spray than trucks with open trailers !NOTE - I really zoomed in and cropped these images :