Originally Posted by redpoint5
My TV isn't hooked up to the antenna, so it's acting as a monitor. I ran the antenna signal to my Plex server, so if I want to watch "TV" on my TV, I've got to stream it from Plex.
Organizing ones life around what time a show is on is so 20th century. Plex records shows and then deletes the commercials afterwards.
I like entertainment, but my problem is I like knowing how things work even more, so the only time I'm watching something for the entertainment value is with my wife (home shows mostly).
You sound like me. Only I haven't gotten around to build a Plex server. With my wife taking so many photos I probably should build a NAS first for backup purposes.
I have an old CRT I had moddified to accept Y-Pb-Pr and RGB signals but then it started having problems with the image. I need to figure out what's wrong with it. I also have a VGA CRT that does 1080p quite nicely, but it can't do interlaced video, which is the whole point of having a CRT as nothing these days can display an interlaced video besides a CRT and only a handful of ol' plasmas.
I have hopes nanoLED will be the type of display technology that can display anything and everything for what I want it for.