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Old 02-16-2023, 11:55 AM   #1041 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Wel... I'm certainly not going to disagree with Jordan Peterson.

15% more biomass this Century? Deserts are shrinking? Who knew?

Maybe Greta can stop hyperventilating.

The aside on who gets to decide who goes to Mars was interesting.
I'll disagree with everything he says.
* He's treating increased 'biomass' within a context which does nor represent what's actually taking place.
* It doesn't provide long-term carbon sequestration that we'd benefit by.
* He's excited about 'weeds' increasing by 15%, while ignoring the human bonfire larger than the entire planet, oceans and all.
* Food production is falling:
1) it doesn't matter how much CO2 'fertilizer' you give a plant, when it's so hot that photosynthesis ceases, and the plant's leaves stomata close off to retain moisture, ending growth.
2) some crops fortunate to 'grow' are now 'killed' by atmospheric rivers, blizzards, loss of pollinators, floods, hail, heat waves, drought, erosion, poisoning, new pests which never lived in areas which were recently 'cooler' than they are now, and invasive plants which compete for soil moisture and nutrients.
3) The oceanic food chain is collapsing.
4) Food trees, which rely on a certain temperature regime, cannot 'un-plant' themselves, and move northwards, or to higher elevations to escape rising temperatures.
5) Mountain glaciers which create the rivers used to irrigate crops are disappearing, and the food crops along with them.
6) Crops are of no use if the overheated people who harvest them die of renal failure in the fields, because they can't drink enough water to protect their kidneys.
7) Decades of mega-drought have lowered (water of last resort ) aquifers, which may not recharge, even if there's 30-feet of mountain snow, as it all melt before spring, and just run off into the ocean.
It goes on.

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Last edited by aerohead; 02-16-2023 at 11:57 AM.. Reason: typo
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