Originally Posted by oil pan 4
The gain or loss of invasive species relocated by people is not climate change.
People suddenly dieing from climate change is not climate change.
More population depleting aquifers faster is not climate change.

As the climate changes, and 'local'/'regional' environments change such that, species which formerly could not survive there, now can; invasive plants, pests, and disease can compete for sun, soil moisture, nutrients. They come in because the conditions which formerly barred their entry no longer exist. They weren't 'relocated.'
Cane-cutters in Guatemala are dying from heat-index values which have never been seen since weather recordkeeping began.
Even with extant population demands, the aquifers held there own until the mega-drought kicked in. Recent massive rains and snow may not be any guarantee of aquifer recharge, if mountain freeze-lines continue to climb higher, with heat nipping at their heels, and early melt denies rivers water.
It's happening right now in Africa, Pakistan, the Rockies, the Andes, and China.