You may be thinking this is another thread hating on fossil free fuel power and you would be correct.
Geothermal power sucks, it's a crap shoot. Now I understand why no one's touched it.
The cost of geothermal is going up, not down.
All the good geo thermal spots are taken.
Think it's as simple as drilling a hole? No, one does not simply drill a hole 4 or 5 miles down. Plus it costs 20 million dollars to drill a steam well. So none of these "geothermal is everywhere man" schemes are going anywhere if they have less than 20 million dollars.
Then if you do drill your well you may get more than you bargained for. You could hit hot sulfuric acid, toxic hydrogen sulfide bearing water, you could get a bunch of poisonous salt build up at the surface, radioactive waste or f up really good and cause a mud volcano. Mud volcanos are fun. Earthquakes, sink holes or the opposite of a sink hole a ground swell. Drill into magma.
Drilling geothermal wells could be opening a very expensive Pandoras box.
3/4 of geothermal projects that start are abandoned within 2 years. Problems including:
The hole closing up before the casing can be set, hole collapse, snapped drill bit, stuck drill, contaminated steam, not enough steam.