Bizarre. I couldn't access the site yesterday and when I finally could I posted this, but where did it go?!
I removed the three 12mm nuts holding the intake manifold on the bottom. I did not need to drop the axle. It wasn’t easy, I couldn’t fit my ratcheting wrench in there, at least at first, and then I used a 13mm wrench to double-wrench the 12mm to start the nut.
When I had it finger-loose I used a screwdriver to spin it the rest of the way.
There are two surprisingly-long 12mm bolts that attach the plastic portion that makes up at least 90% of the intake manifold to the metal part, which is only about an inch thick, and bolts them to the block.
I couldn’t reach those from below, but I was able to move hoses and cables out of the way and remove them with a ratchet from above.
I desperately wished that I had a long 12mm wrench! I tried find long 12mm ratcheting wrenches in my area, but I cannot imagine one as slim as my non-ratcheting wrench.
We are expecting 8-12” of snow by late Thursday morning. I climbed into the car to see what was next and the wind rattled the hood.
I am pretty sure that the wind knocking the hood off the prop would be about as bad as my brother forcing the hood closed despite being propped!
The wind blew some gravel in my face when I was under the car.
The next step, #34, is “Loosen the intake manifold from the cylinder head and push it back against the firewall; don’t disconnect anything on the throttle body.”
I have a ton more to remove!
Number 47 is “Push the intake manifold and everything connected to it back off the studs.”
I watched that part again and Eric says that you will push it back and to not disconnect anything on the throttle body.
He didn’t say to do that yet!
I cannot log in right now, so I updated my copy.
I am on 34/90!
I got everything to this point on video, but when I set up my tripod my phone wouldn’t stay on it. I don’t know what the problem is, but I hope that I don’t have any problems with the “reinstallation is reverse of removal” section and wish I could review what I did.
All of that footage is 32GB, plus I have other videos that I started that I should also move onto my hard drive.
Google Drive has told me to pay for more storage tons of times since I came in today!
24: Loosen fasteners for the alternator.
31: Remove the power steering pump, the alternator, ac belt, and the upper and lower radiator hoses
41: Disconnect the alternator.
48: Remove the 12-millimeter fastener and wingnut on the alternator, then the alternator belt.
42: Disconnect everything else on the wiring harness.
43: Move the wiring harness out of the way.
45. Loosen the power steering reservoir, remove the 12 millimeter fasteners and wingnuts holding the pump.
46. Remove the 10 millimeters fasteners on the bracket holding the power steering lines; remove the bracket, and move the pump out of the way.
47. Remove the three 14-millimeter fasteners holding the power steering bracket; remove the power steering bracket.
I reorganized and simplified those.
Since I don’t need to reinstall the axle, I am technically on 35/87!
The snow still wasn’t sticking, so I went out again. I focused on disconnecting hoses and connectors and removing brackets.
I may not have disconnected both oxygen sensors, #35.
I disconnected the coolant temperature sensor, #36.
I removed fasteners to remove brackets, #37.
I removed radiator hoses, #38.
I didn’t remove the thermostat, but I believe that I can just pop it out now.
I didn’t remove the valve cover because it was snowing, #40.
So, I am on 39/87?
So, tomorrow:
Clear off the cars and shovel snow.
Remove the oxygen sensor, thermostat, and valve cover, and I will be on #41.
Remove the dipstick, any remaining brackets [that are in the way), everything else on the wiring harness, fold it out of the way.
He didn’t specify the fuel rail, but it looks like there are 3 fasteners under that holding the intake manifold, and then I can slide it back.
Once I do that I will be on #45—just past halfway!

Halfway removing!
I still need to reinstall everything!
I don’t know if I removed the bracket for the power steering lines, but the pump is loose.
Do I really need to remove the power steering bracket to replace the head gasket?
Remove the catalytic converter.
Remove the coil packs and the valve cover.
I was supposed to remove the fasteners in #40!
That brings me to #50.
Remove the spark plugs and timing cover—I already removed the fasteners.
Put the engine in time.
Set the ignition timing, remove the crank pulley and the timing cover.
Remove the timing belt
It says to reinstall the oil filter, but we are still removing stuff!
58: Remove the cylinder head.
59: Loosen the 14-millimeter fasteners with a breaker bar starting at the outside and spiraling inward, remove, set aside, and clean if necessary.
60: Carefully remove the cylinder head and set it somewhere safe.
I am combining those into 2 steps.
Remove the intake studs, inspect the head, clean, and fill in as necessary.
62-65 are cleaning and I will start reinstalling at #66!
So, I am on 39/65 of removal, with 66-86 being reinstallation.
I spent an annoyingly-long time cleaning the snow out of my tools. All of the chrome stuff should be fine, but I once got snow in the attachments for my cordless screwdriver and they started rusting.
The same with my giant pliers.
I put the sockets and extensions in the toaster oven. I put everything else on top of the dryer when I washed the towels that I have been using.