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Old 10-19-2008, 09:22 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Big Dave View Post
As someone here pointed out, a Taco is a midsized truck.
Now, yes. Go back to the mid-80s, even early '90s, and the Toyota pickup qualified as small. Why do you suppose you still see so many of them on the roads? Could it possibly be because the people who want small(er) trucks don't really have anything new to buy?

I wonder why so many people for so long coughed up big bucks for vehicles they didn't want?
Look at the different possible markets. People like me, who only want a small truck, aren't going to be buying new trucks at all. That leaves three subsets:

1) Those who really need/want a big truck;

2) Those who want a NEW truck, which can only be a big truck because that's all they're making;

3) Those who have been persuaded by relentless marketing that buying a big new truck will enhance their virility or something. They weren't buying trucks so much as they were trying to project an image. Or as the saying goes, "all hat, no cattle".

So if the manufacturers started making small trucks again, and stopped spending so much on advertising the big ones as a lifestyle accessory, you might see a market shift.
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