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Old 03-26-2023, 01:57 PM   #77 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I used to put down my metal drip pan, but included when I sold it, although I still had spills that missed it, or the rare occasions where it overflowed.

I like having a chance to pour the spilled fluid back in the catch pan.

I would rather recycle cardboard than use it to catch oil.

JSH, do you burn oil-soaked cardboard?

Unfortunately, these spills have resulted in perfectly good boxes getting oil on them, but I would normally cut out the stained portion and recycle the rest.

Maybe I had heard of poking a hole in a filter, but I am pretty sure that I have heard of drilling.

Poking sounds vastly better!
  1. Buy a cheap funnel.
  2. Drill a hole in the funnel near the spout almost big enough for the center punch.
  3. Heat up the body of the center punch and push it through the hole.
  4. Epoxy around the center punch.
  5. Attach plastic tubing to the funnel.
  6. Punch the lowest point of the filter and hold the funnel while the oil drains into your catch pan.
The solo cup is simpler!

You are way overthinking catching fluid in a pan.

I use a pan like this that I've had for many years:

It is large enough that I don't have to put anything under the car when draining oil because the oil just drains into the pan. Same with the oil filter. Put pan under filter, poke hole in filter (actual 2 - one at bottom first and then one at top so it drains faster). Leave it to drain for 10 minutes. Spin off the filter and put it on that filter holder in the pan.

When I drain the oil from the pan to a container. (Usually an empty 1 gallon jug windshield washer fluid jug) I put the jug on a piece of cardboard (generally an amazon box) because I'll likely drip a bit. Then I set the pan at a 45 degree angle and let it drain down to the corner with the spout and repeat again after about 30 minutes. The final step is to wipe out the inside of the oil pan with paper shop towels and throw those away along with the cardboard. I'd rather catch some oil drips on free cardboard than drip oil on my garage floor and then use paper towels and simple green that I had to buy to clean up the mess.

I would burn the cardboard if I actually used my fireplace but I do not. It is for decoration or emergency heat.

Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I have only heard of singles' activities up here, which are almost exclusively people in their sixties and seventies, although that was where I first met the nurse who identified as an intellectual, although I considered her to be dull...
Not a singles club - just a club, league, or activity. Like the Show Low Big Foot hiking club or the Show Low co-ed softball league that is starting

Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I recently told a friend that meeting singles in-person is inherently better because most singles on-line are unwilling to put in such effort as leaving the house.
True - so are you willing to get out of the house and meet some real people?

Also - for your $400 lenses. Next time maybe give Zenni Optical a try:

I just bought new prescription safety glasses (frames and lenses) for $100. Regular glasses are even less.
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