Originally Posted by JSH
You are way overthinking catching fluid in a pan.
Not only do I have one like that, but I have the funnels and wrench Amazon suggests.
Lowe's sells one for $9 and AutoZone and O'Reilly's sell one for $12.
I need to buy more automotive tools from Lowe's?
I also have one kind of like this:

It is just like a sideways jug, with one side inverted, and a plug there.
Unlike this one, the cap is at the lowest point when you are transferring.
It has poor reviews. People say that the top is too small and\or shallow and it splashes or overflows, but I didn't have that problem, although I used a Fumoto QuickValve.
Have any of you heard of this hack mechanic who shares hacks on TikTok?
https://www.tiktok.com/@scottykilmer...759978?lang=en He just says to ensure the old gasket came with the filter or you will need to pry it from the block.
Here he said that dealers will offer free oil changes for 4 years, but try to sell you hundreds of dollars of services you don't need:
Anyway, on YouTube he said to use a breaker bar on the drain plug.
Have you ever used a breaker bar on the drain plug?!
Aren't the torque specs 35-40 foot-pounds?
35 pounds at one foot would be about 25 pounds at 17", the length of the cheapest breaker bar in my area.
Of course, maybe the last guy torqued it too much, perhaps with an impact wrench--if they didn't strip it!
A real mechanic has strong feelings about that!
He says AutoZone now recycles oil filters!
I was always told there was nothing to do but throw it away. I hate throwing away anything with much used motor oil, which is why I put oil-soaked rags in an ammo can.
Now that I more or less have a vacuum pump I am going to create a vacuum chamber and see how much oil I can pull out of rags and filters.
Oil Pan, do you burn those, too?
when I worked at the bus yard they had a machine that sucked the oil out of filters and then smashed them.
Here he compares a cheap and expensive filter, weighing and cutting them open, showing the expensive one has much more filter material:
He spilled oil all over when he removed the filter, but that is why you use gloves and a drip pan, but he showed a filter wrench. It would be nice if they had something that also at least deflected oil.
The first time I changed oil I put an AOL CD between the wrench and the socket.
He held the filters when he used his power saw to cut them open and he said you don't need jack stands because it would just land on the wheels.
It would bounce off your head!
My Son Never Changed His Engine Oil, Then This Happened The son went 10,000 miles and then his dad changed his oil with no ill effects.
He mentioned a Chrysler owner who burned out their engine after driving 20,000 miles without an oil change, mentioned going to the junkyard and showed a Chevrolet dealership, and mentioned a Honda owner who drove 80,000 miles without an oil change and just started burning oil, but the engine still ran.
If you have a car 2020+ and need 0w16 oil you need GF6B oil with a shield on the label, not a round logo.
We will need to worry about that between 2035 and 2040?
Mr. Stop Leak said to not use engine flushes because they will clean out the carbon and possibly damage seals, creating leaks.
A customer tried to change the oil himself in a Rav4 like my ex had. Not the last one, my third-to-last one. The customer didn't have the right tool, tried to use a chisel, and worried that the chisel caused damage, so Shouty used the right tool, and a dremel with brass wire wheels to smooth out everything.
AutoZone ad with no new information, although he does say to use a jack stand.
Ten-minute documentary that says that GM did a study showing that filtering down to 5 microns reduces engine wear.
He just reposted the first one!
This is an ad for Garage Boss funnels and drain pans. They look clever enough, but they don't sell them anymore.

This has a weighted base, so the funnel stays put.
In theory I could pour all of my oil in at once and work on another project!
This is the only similar product, $27 at Walmart. I ordered one.
The pan is kind of like this, but instead of a bedpan-shaped depression with a bedpan-shaped funnel that stores in it, both are perfectly round, but the interesting part is that they come with extensions, so like with a professional drain dolly, but designed to be used with vehicles on jack stands, not a lift.
I might not need to adjust the pan as the pressure weakens, but I don't think it is worth buying a third oil pan.
Besides, they charge more than $30!
He said that the owner bought this used, the previous owner was a slob, and carbon in the GDI engine built up so badly the spark plugs were black and it burned oil badly, so Shouty needed to walnut-blast it.
Forty-four-second short saying "Everything you need to know: Buy a more expensive filter if you change your oil less frequently."
A lady bought an Accord with 100,000 miles, but the original owner probably didn't change the oil enough. She sold it to her son with 200,000 miles and he paid a country mechanic $1,500 to replace the engine with one with 90,000 miles from a junkyard.
Where can I find a country mechanic who would do that?!
James Bae commented that it was his car and he loved meeting Shouty.
He mentioned the guy who drove a Toyota 80,000 miles without changing the oil and it was leaking and burning, but still driving.
Oh my goodness! Finally!
Shouty says to buy this, not a Fumoto QuickValve!
He said that if something hits the petcock, which is on the top of the valve, which is on the back of the oil pan, then it could bust open.
If you are racing off-road in reverse?