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Old 03-29-2023, 01:46 PM   #1176 (permalink)
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Mom said radiation therapists become sterile.

I needed to search very specifically to find results about the therapists having side effects, not the patients, but I found a list stating that astronauts were exposed to the most radiation, then flight attendants, radiation therapists, baggage screeners, military servicemembers maintaining nuclear reactors, mine workers, nuclear power plant workers, and pilots.

"Radiology technicians who were working before 1950 have an increased cancer risk[…] Since then, the risks have been greatly reduced. Thanks to improved work-related health standards, most regulations now cap the annual radiation exposure at 5 REM, about 10 times the average background radiation that we all receive annually."
We know 3 women in their thirties and forties with cancer, so arguably risks are excessively high for the general population.
It is like this was written by someone promoting radiation therapy and they specified 1950 to distract us from the rest.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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