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Old 04-01-2023, 06:55 PM   #1401 (permalink)
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Have you watched people rescue abandoned Volkswagens?

I finally visited the friend with cancer. I had planned on staying one night in a hotel and returning for work, but she went to see her oncologist, said she didn't know how long she would be gone, and she was gone for too long for me to make it to my appointment, which I rescheduled from the day before--completely forgetting the make-up I had rescheduled from the previous Friday.

Why is remembering so hard?!

She came home and needed a nap. I asked if she minded me watching automotive videos, and I ended up on this: I watched about half before she got up, but I don't know how long I spent trying to find something interesting.

I couldn't remember Mustie's name, so I searched for "saving an abandoned volkswagen" and YouTube showed me these: There is a lady who does car videos?! She looks pretty! Mustie! It was Mustie!

The videos that don't load in other windows are 5150mxVW. Do push-ups, 5150mxVW!

There are plenty more rescued Volkswagens--and several random car videos, but once I found the channel I found the video!

In case you are wondering, it ran, but knocked, so no?

He did not post about it again, although there was an older 45-minute video of him finding it and towing it home.

Does anyone have a more satisfying video? All that time and energy and what?

It is scrap?

Maybe some parts?

"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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