Ok, ya wanna get off that bolt?
No need to feel like a dolt.
I can dissuade you from yo anger
but ther'll be a little danger
ya gotta get a breaker bar on that bolt head
maybe even with a pipe.
Cinch it up against the undercar
and keep it real tite
now yo motor gonna spin to the left
Keep you bar tight to the right
Find the woman you love
have her stick in the key
let her give it a quick twist
and see what will be
But I Know, yes I know that bolt gonna break loose for you
yes I know it'll go all loose for you
now you don't need to thank me
but if ya wanna drop me a line
Ill send ya flowers to the hospital
if it all goes awry
Thid method uses your engine and starter as the tool.
so you want to find a piont on the frame or underbody to hold you breaker bar so that while you engine cranks clockwise it will undo the bolt.
you may have a problem torking on the new bolt and pully though. if its a manual, you can put it in high gear with the e-brake on to hold the engine
just bump the starter and be prepared to shut off the engine if it starts. or dissable the ignition
Last edited by Metrosexual; 10-20-2008 at 02:02 AM..
Reason: danger