04-04-2023, 10:24 PM
#96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5
If I were building a house, I'd have conduit running to all the rooms so I could add anything I wanted in the future easily.
https://www.reddit.com › r › exmormon › comments › fdde7j › elevator_shafts_in_the_slc_temple
Elevator shafts in the SLC temple : exmormon - reddit.com
Some have suggested that in the Salt Lake Temple, shafts were provided for elevators and spaces left throughout the building for electric conduits and heating ducts even before these technologies were known. Angell Sr., however, certainly would have learned about elevators, which were just coming into use at the time of his 1856 visit to Europe.
Power over Ethernet or Ethernet over power?
Power over Ethernet
Power over Ethernet, or PoE, describes any of several standards or ad hoc systems that pass electric power along with data on twisted-pair Ethernet cabling. This allows a single cable to provide both a data connection and enough electricity to power devices such as wireless access points, Internet Protocol cameras and voice over Internet Protocol phones. Wikipedia
Power-line communication
Power-line communication carries data on a conductor that is also used simultaneously for AC electric power transmission or electric power distribution to consumers. A wide range of power-line communication technologies are needed for different applications, ranging from home automation to Internet access which is often called broadband over power lines. Wikipedia
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster