In 1983 I was 4 and we didn't have a computer in preschool.
Dad bought our first computer, a Packard Bell 8088, in 1989, and it had cutting-edge CGA graphics.
Just kidding.
The Color Graphics Adapter came out in 1981, the Enhanced Graphics Adapter came out in 1984--5 years before my first computer, but the year before you are talking, and the Video Graphics Array came out in 1987.
Strangely, so did SVGA.
The Extended Graphics Array didn't come out until 1990.
The 8086 came out in 1978, the 8088 came out in 1979--the year I was born, and both the 80186 and the 80286 came out in 1982, but we don't talk about the 80186.
So, I don't know what GUIs were available when I was 4, but it could have run on a 1982 with CGA.
I can't imagine having too many windows in 320x200!
If Dad loved us (and had vastly more money) he would have bought us a brand-new i486 with SVGA, which is funny, because I wish I had a modem, a dedicated phone line, and knew about BBSes.
I still don't know what GUIs were available in 1989, but I ran windows in 800x600.