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Old 04-27-2023, 02:38 AM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
The original looks like a combination of the Beetle and Bus, without the charm of either.
Yet the Fiat 600, or SEAT 600 in Spain, held a similar cult status as the Beetle in some countries. Well, considering how my grandmother used to disapprove the VW Bus due to its lack of crash protection, I guess she wouldn't be happy either if I could find a 600 Multipla... Once when I was 17, she and my oldest aunt told me about a crash between a Kombi driven by grandpa and a horse, and the pieces of glass from the shattered windscreens (that was a Split, as it happened before my grandparents moved from Carazinho to Porto Alegre, and AFAIK the Split hadn't been phased out not even in Germany at that time) were enough to make grandma scared of Kombis for the rest of her life, even after all of them were fitted with the same safety glasses previously fitted only to Police models.
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