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Old 05-11-2023, 05:45 PM   #6 (permalink)
Not Doug
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In summary:
Donut Media said BacKrete only works on fresh oil, Tide worked okay, Rustoleum worked better, but none worked great.

The oil stain whisperer said that Cascade dishwashing detergent worked perfectly, although I did not have the same experience.

Scott's Garage said that Coke and blue Dawn work well, but not completely.

North Georgia Cleaning tried Goof Off, Tide, and Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner, and Goof Off worked the best, but not completely.

Aksmaniyak had better results with toilet bowl cleaner, it left the concrete lighter than the rest!

DIY Man had similar results with Goof Off as North Georgia.

Speedokote had good results with Zep and a pressure washer and chemical suit, but he said the muriatic acid and pressure washer removed all of the oil.

Kelly's Country Life used gasoline and kitty litter with good results and then a torch to get the rest.

Carquestions completely removed the oil with a torch.

The Brothers Bam tried Crud Cutter and Zep, but did not use a pressure washer, and neither worked well.

Forever Alone removed most of the oil stains accumulated at a gas station over 6 months using Dynamite Degreaser.

FurSpheria used Purple Power, brake cleaner, and acetone, and none of them worked very well.

Sweet Project Cars says to use lacquer thinner and a brass brush, but didn't show the final result.

Someone on Hagerty didn't have success with Dawn, Oil Vanish Stain Remover, or Bix Driveway Cleaner & Degreaser.

Fails: BacKrete (on absorbed oil), Crud Cutter, Zep, Purple Power, Brake Cleaner, acetone, Dawn, Oil Vanish Stain Remover, or Bix Driveway Cleaner & Degreaser.

Partial success: Rustoleum and lacquer thinner?

Mostly successful: Coke and Blue Dawn, gasoline and kitty litter, lacquer thinner and a brass brush?

Successful? Cascade, muriatic acid, a pressure washer, and full PPE; a torch Dynamite Degreaser and a professional pressure washer.

Partial results are subjective and there were 14 people giving their opinions.

What works for you?
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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