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Old 05-16-2023, 09:35 AM   #164 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
i miss the days when a phone would last more than 5 years nearly trouble-free. Those good old Nokias lasted almost forever...

When will someone release an OS for computers as streamlined as the KaiOS, yet capable to run the normal versions of some softwares such as Whatsapp which on a phone with KaiOS have fewer features?
iPhones work fine for 5+ years. Apple supports their phones with a minimum of 5 years of OS updates. With iOS 16 they have gone back 6 years - still supporting the iPhone 8. They will still work after that - my father is using an iPhone SE from 2016 but security is an issue if you use your phone for things besides talk and text. (He only talks and uses the calculator)

While I'm a Pixel fan myself - iPhones are a better deal with lower cost per year if you actually keep them for the useful life instead of updating every year or 2. Most android phones get no updates. 2 years used to be the standard for high end phones, then Google started guaranteeing 3 years. With the Pixel 7 / 6a they extended that to 5 years. Maybe other manufacturers will get on board an stop treating phones as a disposable product.
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