'what is lacking here specifically?'
* in #1 (permalink) you speak of a ' big issue with boat-tails in crosswind.'
The only vehicles with 'boat-tails' which exist in the United States are reported to the most desirable to tow.
There are no boat-tails which can be purchased and installed on the existing RV fleet, trailer, or motorhome.
Without 'boat-tails' on the road, I'm struggling with the notion of a 'big issue.'
* in #9 (permalink ) we find out for the first time that you're concerned with 'typical RV two axle, large relatively rear overhang.'
After 'asking' we still do not know if we're to consider RV travel trailers, or RV Motorhomes/Coaches.
If you had a particular RV make and model of interest, that we could all look at collectively, we might be able to move the dial.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/