Renters have all the advantages. If a renter is dissatisfied, they can leave at any time. A landlord cannot immediately evict someone.
A renter served an eviction notice who then pours concrete down the drains will suffer no penalty except possibly loss of deposit.
I once allowed an extension for rent payment, and when they missed that deadline proceeded with eviction. They took a hammer to the walls.
This is why I now rent rooms instead of the whole house. Renting a room, one can legally discriminate for any reason whatsoever. You can then just pick among the best rather than be forced to accept the first person who just barely squeaked by the minimum legal requirements.
As an aside, I'm against all laws requiring non-discrimination, because it's antihuman. I say this as someone that was rejected on my first rental application because of my felony conviction 20 years ago. They don't have to rent to me, and I have no interest in forcing them to even if a law existed saying I could. Ended up in a way more ideal location in a brand new unit anyhow... where I observed the dirtbagness of many of the hundreds of other renters.
There are good reasons why someone who isn't a dirtbag rents. A coworker didn't have any of those reasons, and was a dirtbag. He made a lot more money than me, but needed a loan on several occasions to make rent because he was a dirtbag with money. Had a brand new Dodge Charger Hellcat, but not enough money for rent. I drove a 1996 Subaru Legacy with 240,000 miles on it.
Last edited by redpoint5; 06-13-2023 at 04:42 PM..