Thread: Fracking ban.
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Old 06-14-2023, 12:23 AM   #134 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I assume domestic ethanol production is more or less a fixed amount because law requires E10 fuel.
There had been talks in Brazil about increasing the ethanol content from E27 to E30, which I guess won't turn out any good because of an excessive reliance on sugarcane as a feedstock, even though Brazil is among the biggest exporters of meat (including poultry and pork, not only beef) and the usage of distillation grain from corn-derived ethanol could lead to a quicker weight gain on livestock.

To be fair though, fracking and producing more oil than we consume would still not allow the US to be "energy independent". Our refineries aren't equipped for the oil we produce, so we have to sell it abroad and import the crude our refineries can process.
Reminds the day I was talking with a Venezuelan refugee, then an old man who is a fanboy of Lula da Silva came and said Venezuela was better than Brazil because it had petroleum, and some rants against Christian NGOs which lease money for Venezuelans to buy a ticket to get out of Venezuela. Even though the Venezuelan refugee had all the patience to explain this very same issue, that Venezuelan crude oil was most of an extra-heavy variety which requires blends with imported light crude oil in order to enable refining, Lula's fanboy didn't seem to understand it very well
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